Supporting speech, language, and communication
+ How to teach children new words (ICAN)
+ Tips for making communicating easier (ICAN)
+ Top 10 toys to develop language (ICAN)
+ How to use books to develop language (ICAN)
+ How can visual timelines help? (ICAN)
+ Child development & milestones (BBC)
+ Hungry Little Minds (
+ Look, Say, Sing, Play (NSPCC)
Checking your child’s progress
+ Chatter Matters – baby poster (ICAN / BT Openreach)
+ Chatter Matters – toddler poster (ICAN / BT Openreach)
+ Chatter Matters – pre-school poster (ICAN / BT Openreach)
Your Area
Everything you need to know about supporting your child’s speech, language, and communication in your area.