The children’s workforce in South Yorkshire has the unique opportunity to support speech, language, and communication development and to identify and, where appropriate, address speech, language, and communication needs (SLCN).
Here you can find links to a range of recommended peer reviewed journal articles on relevant research to improve your knowledge about SLCN, to best support the children in your care or to pursue your interest in speech, language, and communication needs. At the end of each article there will be a list of references that may lead you to other relevant articles and research.

Recommended Articles
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Andrews, R. (2009). Review of research in English as an Additional Language (EAL). Institute of Education Under Contract from Training and Development Agency for Schools. London: NRDC. Find on Google Scholar >
Bain, J., James, D., & Harrison, M. (2015). Supporting communication development in the early years: A practitioner’s perspective. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 31(3), 325-336. Find on Google Scholar >
Blackburn, C., & Aubrey, C. (2016). Policy-to-practice context to the delays and difficulties in the acquisition of speech, language and communication in the early years. International Journal of Early Years Education, 24(4), 414-434. Find on Google Scholar >
Cologon, K., Wicks, L., & Salvador, A. (2017). Supporting caregivers in developing responsive communication partnerships with their children: Extending a caregiver-led interactive language program. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 33(2), 157-169. Find on Google Scholar >
Dockrell, J., Lindsay, G., Roulstone, S., & Law, J. (2014). Supporting children with speech, language and communication needs: an overview of the results of the Better Communication Research Programme. International journal of Language & Communication disorders, 49(5), 543-557. Find on Google Scholar >
Drury, R. (2013). How silent is the ‘Silent Period’for young bilinguals in early years settings in England?. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 21(3), 380-391. Find on Google Scholar >
Duff, F. J., Reen, G., Plunkett, K., & Nation, K. (2015). Do infant vocabulary skills predict school‐age language and literacy outcomes?. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56(8), 848-856. Find on Google Scholar >
Ford, A. L., Elmquist, M., Merbler, A. M., Kriese, A., Will, K. K., & McConnell, S. R. (2020). Toward an ecobehavioral model of early language development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 50, 246-258. Find on Google Scholar >
Greenwood, C. R., Schnitz, A. G., Carta, J. J., Wallisch, A., & Irvin, D. W. (2020). A systematic review of language intervention research with low-income families: A word gap prevention perspective. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 50, 230-245. Find on Google Scholar >
Hancock, D. (2019). What has been achieved a year since Bercow: Ten Years On?. Journal of Health Visiting, 7(7), 336-340. Find on Google Scholar >
Hudson, S., Levickis, P., Down, K., Nicholls, R., & Wake, M. (2015). Maternal responsiveness predicts child language at ages 3 and 4 in a community‐based sample of slow‐to‐talk toddlers. International journal of language & communication disorders, 50(1), 136-142. Find on Google Scholar >
Hutchinson, J., & Clegg, J. (2011). Education practitioner-led intervention to facilitate language learning in young children: An effectiveness study. Child language teaching and therapy, 27(2), 151-164. Find on Google Scholar >
Johanson, M., Justice, L. M., & Logan, J. (2016). Kindergarten impacts of a preschool language-focused intervention. Applied developmental science, 20(2), 94-107. Find on Google Scholar >
Law, J., Plunkett, C. C., & Stringer, H. (2012). Communication interventions and their impact on behaviour in the young child: A systematic review. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 28(1), 7-23. Find on Google Scholar >
Law, J., Reilly, S., & Snow, P. C. (2013). Child speech, language and communication need re‐examined in a public health context: a new direction for the speech and language therapy profession. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 48(5), 486-496. Find on Google Scholar >
Marshall, J., Harding, S., & Roulstone, S. (2017). Language development, delay and intervention—the views of parents from communities that speech and language therapy managers in England consider to be under‐served. International journal of language & communication disorders, 52(4), 489-500. Find on Google Scholar >
McDonald, D., Colmer, S., Guest, S., Humber, D., Ward, C., & Young, J. (2019). Parent-implemented language intervention delivered by therapy assistants for two-year-olds at risk of language difficulties: A case series. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 35(2), 113-124. Find on Google Scholar >
McLeod, N. (2011). Exploring Early Years educators’ ownership of language and communication knowledge and skills: a review of key policy and initial reflections on Every Child a Talker and its implementation. Education 3-13, 39(4), 429-445. Find on Google Scholar >
Mroz, M., & Letts, C. (2008). Interview stories: Early years practitioners’ experiences with children with speech, language and communication needs. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 24(1), 73-93. Find on Google Scholar >
Pitt, J. (2020). Communicating through musical play: combining speech and language therapy practices with those of early childhood music education–the SALTMusic approach. Music Education Research, 22(1), 68-86. Find on Google Scholar >
Billington, C. (2016). How digital technology can support early language and literacy outcomes in early years settings: A review of the literature. National Literacy Trust. Read More >
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